Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pop-Rock Music

Pop-rock is a style of popular music with a good melody singing, accompanied by guitar, drums and bass. Many types of rock music with instruments such as the organ keyboard, piano, mellotron, and synthesizers. Other instruments in Rock sometimes harmonica, violin, flute, banjo, melodica and timpani. In addition, rare stringed instruments such as sitar and mandolin are used. Pop-rock usually has a strong hitting the back, and often turns around guitar, electric, which is solid, hollow electric or acoustic.

Pop-rock has its origins in 1940 and 1950, Rock and Roll and Rockabilly arising from blues, and country music and other influences. Originally, Rock & Roll come from a variety of sources, including blues, R & B and country, but also gospel, traditional pop, jazz and folk. In the late 1960's, rock or pop music has been linked to popular music, from blues and jazz to establish, folk rock, blues-rock and jazz-rock fusion generates respectively. In the 1970's, rock influences of soul, funk and Latin music. In the 1970's, a number of Subgenres of rock music, Soft Rock, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Rock, Punk rock, and was created. Synth-Rock, Punk, Hardcore, Rock, and sub-genres of rock-pop music that has been specifically developed, whereas in 1980, Subgenres rock in the 1990's, grunge, Britpop, Indie Rock and Nu Metal .

A group of rock or rock-group is a group of musicians, specializing in pop-rock music. Most rock bands consist of a guitarist, singer, drummer and bassist. Few groups can direct one or more of these roles and the use of a singer who can play an instrument when they sing, a duo or trio, the other additional musicians as a rhythm guitarist or two, and keyboard. Rarely, the groups also employ stringed instruments like violins and cellos, horns and trombones and trumpets.

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